
CATastrophe: A Game of 9 Lives

Created by Josh Norris of The Original Sasquatch

20% Off Black Friday & Cyber Monday Sale Starts Now (11/21 - 11/28) for our friends abroad - UK, EU, AUS, NZ, and CA*. *CA - Canada shipments will be shipped from the US & will not arrive duty-free. Estimated Shipping: Your Order is estimated to arrive within 3 - 12 days after the order is placed. The 2-6 player board game as unpredictable as cats themselves, featuring famous internet cats: Lil BUB, Cole & Marmalade, Monty & more! As a cat, you start with 9 lives and try to survive the chaotic mayhem. The last cat standing wins. But beware of the villain, the Grim Reapurr, who is plotting your untimely demise and attempting to be the sole victor! * Please email us if you have any questions at [email protected]

Latest Updates from Our Project:

New Art Voting UNLOCKED! And Sneak Peek at Tacocat Stretch Goal! 🌮🐈
about 3 years ago – Sun, May 23, 2021 at 12:23:37 PM

Happy CATurday! 🐈 We are thrilled to let you know new Art Voting has been unlocked!

Also, THANK YOU to everyone who has backed and shared our project so far! 🎉 Today marks day 19 of our campaign and last night you all unlocked our next Stretch Goal! Woohoo!!! 🥳 😻🙌 Now it’s time for some more fun art voting!

These illustrations are by Jacqui Davis. Jacqui also completed the incredible art for our box cover, game board, and main deck cards. Just like our previous art voting, these are just rough sketches. The winning sketch will be completed by Jacqui Davis and added to every copy of CATastrophe as a new attack card! Which one is your furr-avorite?

Vote Now!

We’ll be posting this to our Facebook and Instagram as well, but this time, ONLY the votes on our Kickstarter page will count! The power is in YOUR paws! ( pressure 😉)

  • CLICK HERE to cast your vote in the general comments section of our Kickstarter page

We can’t wait to see the results!

Voting will end on Monday, May 24th at 8pm PST / 10pm CST / 11pm EST.

Just for reference, below are the other four attack cards in the game...

Our Next Stretch Goal is Purrfect for Taco Tuesdays! 🌮

Our next stretch goal is a NEW EXPANSION CHARACTER! Once we hit 89K, Tacocat will be unlocked and added to the expansion as a playable character! Purrlease keep sharing and telling your friends about CATastrophe so that we can add Tacocat to the game!

Featured Power Cat Highlight: Princess Aurora

Princess Aurora is a beautiful Blue Bicolor Ragdoll with a royal purr-sonality and a love for the camera. She is very photogenic and loves her photos taken. Ragdolls are known to have many characteristics of a dog while having the personality of a cat which makes a marvelous combination.

Her human parents recognized her flare for fabulousness at an early age, and her Instagram career was born. Aurora is not just beautiful, but she is also a very smart and loveable kitty. She loves to be groomed, it’s her love language. She lives in Sweden with her human parents and kitty companion Levi. You can find more about Princess Aurora HERE.

Only 13 Days Left...

Thank you for your support and for joining us on this fantastic adventure. We still have so many more AMAZING Stretch Goals to share with you and we have 13 days left to make it happen!

With Love,

Josh & Abi Norris

And The Winner Is…. (PLUS: New Stretch Goals and a Live Playthrough)
about 3 years ago – Thu, May 20, 2021 at 05:57:57 AM

The results of the SPOOKY cat art voting are in! 

Thank you all for voting! We were really impressed with how many of you participated in this art voting!

Thank you for your patience as we tallied up all 1,797 votes across Kickstarter, Facebook, and Instagram. We’d hoped to send this update out yesterday but we were still counting! 😹 It was so fun to see everyone’s votes and comments. We even had quite a few people on Facebook say they wanted to get one of the sketches as a tattoo, and one person even messaged us asking for permission to get a tattoo of the Catsper sketch! 🙀😻

 And The Winner Is… CATTHULU WITH 591 VOTES!!! 

Catthulu will now be taken to color, brought to life by Jenny Parks, and added to every copy of CATastrophe!!
  • Cat Dracula came in second with 568 votes.
  • Catsper came in third with 451 votes.
  • And last, but certainly not least was Zombie Cat with 187 votes.

Again, thank you so much for voting, we wish they all could have won! 

Purrhaps you have some suggestions for us?

We’d love your help with flavor text for the Catthulu card!

For those of you who don’t know, flavor text is the bit of text at the bottom of the card that adds a little more purrsonality or fun context to the card. It needs to be no more than about 10 words to fit on the card properly.

What should the flavor text for Catthulu be? Give us your suggestions in the general comments section of our Kickstarter page HERE.

We can’t wait to see what you come up with! Please keep it family-friendly.

Here are some examples from other cards in the game...

Unlocked Stretch Goals

Yesterday, we surpassed 1,500 backers! Woohoo!!!! 🎉 You all are incredible and your support is making this game even more amazing! Thank you!

Since our last update, you’ve unlocked better quality cards and a new Power Cat: Fangless (see it HERE)! And you are SO CLOSE to unlocking our next goal to have thicker punchboard which will make the character tokens more durable. On the horizon, we’ve got more art voting (this time, for an attack card), and A NEW CHARACTER! TACOCAT!!!! Please keep sharing this project with all your friends and let’s unlock some more stretch goals together!!

Live Playthrough

Josh & Abi will be streaming a LIVE game playthrough of CATastrophe on Facebook on Friday, May 21st at 6:00p PST / 8:00p CST / 9:00p EST. Join us and experience the amazingness of CATastrophe at a two-player count. After the game is over, we will have a brief Q&A. We look forward to hanging out with you!

 Featured Power Cat Highlight: Monty & Molly!

Monty is the sweetest little boy with love for everyone around him. He was born with a chromosome abnormality and was overlooked for adoption because of his unusual appearance. That was until he met his human mom Mikala, who whisked him away to his new happy forever home. Monty’s garnered a large internet following and has become an ambassador for animals with special needs. He spreads happiness to the whole world and the important message that looking different doesn’t mean you can’t be fantastic! You are purrfect just the way you are!

Monty and Mikala’s life changed again when Molly entered the picture. Molly is the funniest little fluff ball with a heart for food and belly rubs from everyone around her. She has the same chromosomal abnormality as Monty. She was rescued from the streets where she was fighting to survive on her own. Mikala fostered and nursed her back to health with help from Monty and a great vet team. Monty didn't care for other cats but when he met Molly something magical happened and a beautiful bond between the two started to blossom.

Monty and Molly live happy lives now as a furry prince and princess. You can find more about Monty and Molly here.

Until Next Time

This is such a fun and exciting ride! We are so glad to have you all on this adventure with us! We look forward to unlocking many more stretch goals together and we are so excited for what the final version of CATastrophe will be! With your help and support, we know it's going to be incredible! 

-Josh & Abi

70K Stretch Goal Unlocked! 🎉😻 (Art Voting & Live Stream)
about 3 years ago – Wed, May 12, 2021 at 07:45:06 PM

 MEWOW!!! 😻 Art Voting Unlocked! 

You all are so amazing!!! Thank you for your support! We just cleared the $70k mark and unlocked our next stretch goal! 🎉 So without further ado, I purr-sent to you our 4 candidates for the SPOOKY cat art voting!

These are just the rough sketches for these illustrations. Now it’s up to you to vote on your favorite! The winning illustration will be taken to color and completed by Jenny Parks. Which one will this cat-tastic community bring to life and add to every copy of CATastrophe!?

Vote Now!

You may vote in 3 places (up to 1 vote in each place):

  •  CLICK HERE to cast your vote in the general comments section of our Kickstarter page
  •  CLICK HERE to cast your vote on our Facebook post
  •  CLICK HERE to cast your vote on our Instagram post

We can’t wait to see the results! 

Voting will end on Saturday, May 15th at 8pm PST / 10pm CST / 11pm EST.

Q&A with Monty’s Mom, Mikala

Abi & I will be joined by Monty’s Mom (Mikala) in a LIVE Q&A on the CATastrophe Facebook Page on Saturday, May 15th at 11am PST / 1p CST / 2p EST. Mark your calendars and bring your questions! This should be fun! We'll also be collecting questions ahead of time. So if you have questions, please feel free to submit them in the comments.

 Featured Power Cat Highlight: Atchoum!

Atchoum (from Repentigny, Quebec, Canada) started life as any other normal Persian kitten, and after being gifted to a veterinarian he found a home with a groomer named Nathalie. She took Atchoum home for a weekend and fell in love with him (no surprise there)! Soon after being adopted, they discovered that Atchoum has hypertrichosis, a very rare congenital condition also known as werewolf syndrome.  Atchoum is the only cat known to have this condition. This hormonal condition causes fast and continual hair growth, as well as thickened claws. Atchoum is well cared for by a veterinarian who monitors his health, and a groomer who helps tame his crazy long hairs. You can find more about Atchoum here.

Our next set of stretch goals have been posted! Check them out, one of them is, Fangless, a new expansion Power Cat card! Please keep sharing and let's unlock this Power Cat! Click the "Share on Facebook" button below to easily share with your friends! 

As always, shoot us any questions or comments you've got! We're always so excited to hear from you!

-Josh & Abi

1150 Backers!? You've got to be kitten me! (PLUS: Stretch Goals, SPOOKY Cat Art Voting, & Power Cat Highlight)
about 3 years ago – Sun, May 09, 2021 at 02:32:56 AM

 What A Week! 🎉

Tuesday’s launch was absolutely mind-blowing, and we were completely humbled as backers began pouring in. We just surpassed 1150 backers! You all are incredible! Thank you fellow gamers, cat-lovers, and all-around amazing human beings for supporting CATastrophe! We could not be more excited about bringing this cat-terrific game into the world!

For those new to Kickstarter, Stretch Goals are ways to upgrade the rewards (games) you are getting as the funding for the project increases. Unlocking stretch goals will help us improve the game in ways we otherwise wouldn’t be able to, all thanks to your support! 

How does this work?

More backers means more available funds to enhance the game! As we hit more stretch goals, we’ll unlock bonus art and content for the game. One way you can assist in unlocking stretch goals is to get the word out by sharing the CATastrophe Kickstarter campaign.

  • The more you share CATastrophe on social media and by word of mouth over the next 27 days, the more new backers come in, and the more stretch goals we unlock!

Speaking of stretch goals, this INCREDIBLE community has already blown past the first 5 stretch goals we had planned, but we have many more to be unlocked!

Hey, look at all the cool stuff you unlocked! 

Among the SG's unlocked, are TWO new purr-fect Power Cat cards. 

Santa Paws will be added to every game and Hairy Pawter will be added to the expansion.


We have something really cat-tastic planned for when the $70k stretch goal is unlocked. Our amazing artist, Jenny, has created 4 rough sketches of SPOOKY Power Cats that the community will vote on. Only 1 will win! The winning sketch will be illustrated in color and added to every game! Are there any guesses as to what the 4 spooky cats are?  Share your guesses in the campaign comments, we'd love to hear what you think! 

Featured Power Cat Highlight

As part of our campaign updates, we'll be featuring the famous cats of CATastrophe and sharing some information about each one with you! 

First up is Sir Thomas Trueheart (or Tommy for short)!

We are so excited to be honoring Tommy by featuring him in the game! Tommy has an incredible legacy -- he was and remains a spokescat for the abused & forgotten. I had the wonderful opportunity to meet Tommy at Milo’s Sanctuary back in 2018. He was incredibly loving and gentle!

 Before becoming an internet sensation, Tommy lived as a stray in the California desert, surviving off of scraps and the kindness of the community. Then dogs in the community started showing up with acid burns, and soon after Tommy himself was a victim. He was taken to a vet who recommended he be euthanized, but the woman who brought him in refused and instead called Milo’s Sanctuary & Special Needs Cats Rescue. 

It was there that Tommy received treatment and found a forever home with the group’s founder Michele Hoffman. Tommy made a full recovery and spent his remaining years living the good life with Michele and her four other kitties. You can find out more about Tommy here or on his Instagram here

Milo’s Sanctuary is an incredible nonprofit rescue for special needs cats, and they’re making a giant difference in the lives of countless homeless and special needs cats. We feel fortunate to call them friends; they are exceptional people with massive hearts. You can find out more about Milo’s here.

 Thank you, thank you, and thank you again. 

Thank you for allowing us to make this game a reality. Please keep sharing this project with your friends and let's unlock that next stretch goal! 😻🎉

-Josh, Abi, & the CATastrophe Team

about 3 years ago – Thu, May 06, 2021 at 06:43:00 PM

Funded in 29 Minutes!?

WOW!!! We are absolutely BLOWN AWAY and still in a little bit of shock!

THANK YOU for making this game a reality!!! Your support and belief in our project means the world to us! We had no idea what to expect today, and your response to CATastrophe has been incredibly humbling and extremely exciting!

Right along with us, our cat, Indie, is stunned by everyone's support as you can clearly see in this picture!

In 2012, I (Josh) backed my first project on Kickstarter, and I can still remember so clearly how special it felt. It was so exciting and fun to be part of that project and its community. After reading an update, I turned to Abi and told her that one day I hoped to launch a Kickstarter that helped people feel the same way I did about that project! Helping to bring something into the world that would not have existed without my support and the community's support was really special.

Again, Abi, myself, and our team want to thank you for backing our game and joining the CATastrophe community! We could not be doing this without YOU and YOUR support!

This campaign is about YOU! My greatest hope is that you will have a blast during this campaign, and we hope this is an amazing, unique, and fun experience for everyone. Let’s have a party, enjoy this, and make some great memories together!

FAQ’s & Comments

Our FAQ section is live! We’ve posted the answers to some of our most frequently asked questions there, and we’ll continue to update it throughout the campaign. If you cannot find the answer to your question in the FAQ, please ask us in the comments, and we’ll do our best to help!

We want everyone to join together in a fantastic campaign, and our comments section is one way to enjoy the fun. Please share the word about the party we are throwing, and invite your friends to come and join!

Live Q&A Party

We’ll be doing a live stream Q&A party today at 7:30pm PST / 9:30pm CST / 10:30pm EST. Simply head over to the CATastrophe Facebook Page, and join us!

Famous Cats of CATastrophe Highlights

Throughout our campaign, we’ll highlight the wonderful cats featured in CATastrophe and share a short bio of each one. We’ll be sharing about Sir Thomas Trueheart “Tommy” and his incredible legacy with Milo’s Sanctuary in our next update! Stay tuned!

That’s All For Now!

Today has been overwhelming (in a good way!) and we’re so grateful for your support. We’ll post more updates as the campaign goes on, and we’re excited to see what happens!

-Josh, Abi, & Indie